The SIR - Residential Information System is the reference database in Portugal on sales and rental prices. It results from the processing of data reported by more than 700 real estate brokers, developers and real estate investment and evaluation companies.
The SIR makes possible the knowledgeabout the sales prices by zone, type and market range.
It is the tool that professionals use in investment decision making.
All Portuguese major banks use SIR to analyze financing and assessments.
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SIR Platform is your tool for accessing market data. You canexport data to excel or save your favorite queries.
Access nowO Relatório de Mercado está acessível através do Micro-SIR, enquadrando a informação de preços da micro-zona com os dados de contexto do respetivo concelho e freguesia:
Customize your logo and your contacts. Accessible from your tablet or smartphone.
Download a demo Access the reportsIf you are a developer, investor, broker, consultant or evaluator, access the SIR to support your decision-making activity, using credible and independent data in the definition of sale and lease.
Meet the participating companies.SIR Resorts is a SIR subsystem SIR, focused in Resorts andtouristic residential properties. This database was created in partnership with APR - Associação Portuguesa de Resorts, with the support of Turismo de Portugal.
Meet the pool of participantsSIR is a tool used by Credit Institutions to monitor the market. Structure your activity based on the same information used by the banks that finance real estate investment.
Meet the participating Banks