The "Real Estate Pipeline" system monitors the new works to be launch, based on the information of the works licensing and the energy certification.
By subscribing to this information system, get to know the several works in launching, viewing them on interactive maps, with the possibility of applying filters. Find out who are the key players, from the developer / owner to the author of the architecture project.
The "Real Estate Pipeline" is your tool for prospecting and market knowledge.
Learn how to subscribeSupport
Know what’s going on in the market.
What the new releases are.
Browse the investment map by viewing all geo-referenced properties.
Engage the map with the summary sheets of the buildings.
Enter in the detail of each project.
If you are a subscriber of the magazine, access the dossier every six months with the list of the main works licensed in the previous semester in the cities of Lisbon and Oporto.
What do you access to when you subscribe?
The subscription of the "Real Estate Pipeline" database includes access to the sheets of the last licensed works within the universe of the municipalities that incorporate this information system. The municipalities which are adhering report the data of the municipal licensing of works, benefiting from the process of systematization and dissemination promoted within the framework of this information system.
The system has monthly updates.
If you are an Architect, be part of this information system and benefit from the presence on the channel Ci-Arquitectos, where you can communicate your portfolio to the public and the market.
In the channel Ci-Arquitectos you can manage the page of your studio, defining the projects you want to communicate. All architects can attend, for free.
Know the channel Ci-ArquitectosCollaboration Order of Architects
The "Real Estate Pipeline" system and the Ci-Arquitectos channel benefit from collaboration with OASRS and OASRN, inviting the architects of the licensed works to illustrate the projects identified, giving the database a fundamental qualitative dimension to the knowledge of market trends.
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