SIR.RU is a market intelligence tool to professionals working on real estate market and urban regeneration.
For the first time the market has at its disposal indicators about properties transaction prices, parish to parish. From housing to retail and services, including buildings to rehabilitate.
Prices segmented by:
All the informations about the main investment markets in just one platform.
Adjust your statistical tables to your information needs, browsing neighborhood by neighborhood.
Or view your maps covering the neighborhoods that best interest you.
Access nowDownload a pdf report with the main indicators of the neighborhood you are analyzing.
SIR-RU Report is an additional tool for consulting, with the main market indicators.
With versions in Portuguese and English
Download a demoAccessible from your tablet or smartphone.
Access the reportsSIR-RU is a result of statistical treatment of sale communications carried out by owners to the local authorities, in the context of preferential rights they benefit in Areas of Urban Regeneration.
SIR-RU covers ARU in Lisbon
Through the SIR Platform access to the market data. You can export data to excel or save your favorite queries.
Setup your own tables, maps or graphs, adjusting your queries to your information needs.
Access to the PlatformSIR-RU Report is an additional mean of access to data, taking advantage of an already preset format, where you can find the main market indicators and segments.
If you are a subscriber and have no access, contact us and request your credentials.